The fiction of Jessica A. Weiss comes in all forms-horror, suspense, fantasy, and erotica.

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Home of "Fire Your Muse- Writing Prompts"

Speculative fiction writer and editor. You can find links to her published work and current projects on the left side of the page.
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Thursday, September 10, 2009

And Another One Sells!

What a wonderful birthday present I gave myself yesterday.

On September 8th I started writing a short story and finished a few hours later. A couple of hours after I finished, my husband edited it for me, my daughter read it, and I submitted it. The next morning, my birthday, I received an acceptance! And that made my day. (I'll put up the cover art once its been released.)

Tomorrows goal is to write to some of my favorite authors and editors. I've written to most of them before, but they were very generalized; receiving general replies. This time I have specific questions for each of them and will be anxiously awaiting their responses.

This has been a great year for me and I hope it continues to be so.


  1. Wot that was fast! What a wonderful birthday present!

    Congratulations. :)

  2. Thank you. I'll be anxious to hold it in my hands. I love the artwork the editors picked.
