The fiction of Jessica A. Weiss comes in all forms-horror, suspense, fantasy, and erotica.

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Monday, July 27, 2009

Fire Your Muse- Writing Prompts

Here are a weeks worth of writing prompts, in case your muse is being stubborn. I find that taking more than one and merging them can create some great ideas. See what you can do with these.

-I woke up alone

-How did you get here?

-There's never enough time, is there?

-Unreasonable demands.

-Faded Paint + sleepwalker + broken promise

-Keeping an eye on the dead

-A job like any prison


  1. interesting prompts. I'll take and add them to my jar...thanks

  2. Yay, prompts! Thanks! I'll have to play with a few of these and see what happens... :)
